Partnership with the NSF Frontier Physics Centre, JINA
Sunday 1st January, 2017
The Milne Centre has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, becoming the first Associate Institute from the UK to do so. The Milne Centre’s expertise in Galactic Chemical Evolution and Stellar Nucleosynthesis complements JINA’s unparalleled expertise in nuclear astrophysics, bring unique collaborative opportunities to both organisations.
Seeking interested nominees for STFC Rutherford Fellowship
Monday 1st August, 2016
The E.A. Milne Centre is pleased to be able to support one nominee for an STFC Rutherford Fellowship; potential candidates should contact Prof Brad Gibson prior to 25 Aug to discuss the options available. Candidates will have unprecedented access to ‘viper’, one of the country’s most powerful High Performance Computing Facilities; additionally, Hull is now a partner in the European Southern Observatory’s 4MOST experiment, providing additional Pan-European opportunities for any successful candidate.
Official Opening of the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics
Wednesday 4th November, 2015
The University of Hull officially opened its new E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics on Friday 16 October 2015.
Two new lecturers appointed to the Department
Tuesday 20th October, 2015
We are pleased to welcome Dr Elke Roediger and Dr Marco Pignatari as new lecturers to the Department of Physics and Mathematics and researchers in the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics.
Launch of new astrophysics centre at University of Hull
Tuesday 13th October, 2015
Cutting-edge research in astrophysics has been given a major boost with the opening of a dedicated centre at the University.
Solving the mystery of nitrogen throughout the Universe
Researchers in the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics have made a breakthrough in solving the mystery of the origin of nitrogen, one of the most important elements for life in the Universe.
Cosmologists closer to understanding the ultimate fate of the Universe
Thursday 8th October, 2015
Dr Kevin Pimbblet, senior Astrophysics lecturer, was invited to submit an article to The Conversation to discuss what fate the universe may eventually succumb to. He explains possible options such as heat death, the big rip, and even “cosmic consciousness”, a quantum physics idiosyncrasy that means the universe could lead to an interesting, if not far-fetched, end.
Five myths on gravitational waves, by Dr Siri Chongchitnan
Maths lecturer Dr Siri Chongchitnan has written an article discussing gravitational waves and the misconceptions that surround the research. The waves were predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity and have so far only been detected indirectly.